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5 Tips for Job Searching After a Layoff

Writer: Virtual OfficeVirtual Office

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Finding a new job can be difficult and scary, especially regarding being laid off. The time spent between periods of gainful employment can carry anxiety over finances and other considerations. It can also be exciting because you're setting up a new chapter in your professional life. Before you can begin to invest your energy and attention in searching for a new job, you'll need to figure out how to move on from the emotional baggage that comes with a layoff.

Moving on From a Layoff

Being laid off doesn't reflect your value; it is a cold calculation made by a company to protect itself from any issues affecting its viability. To put it another way, a layoff is a termination by an employer for reasons unrelated to an employee's performance. Employees could be laid off when companies aim to cut costs because of a decline in the demand for products or services or an economic downturn.

Moving on from a layoff means getting your thoughts and emotions in order so that you can address the logistics of the immediate future. Therapists say that moving on begins by practicing gratitude. Things might seem bleak, but an upturn will match the downturn.

You might feel like you've lost an essential defining element, leaving you empty and invisible. It's crucial to maintain your relationships during this time so that you can be reminded of your worth through their eyes. It's also essential to create a plan for attacking the job market now that you're a free agent.

1. Utilize LinkedIn

Professional networks can be a great asset when finding a new job. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network on the internet and is used for professional networking and career development. There are over 176 million LinkedIn users in America, many times that worldwide.

LinkedIn is rife with opportunities. You can use it to find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships and learn the skills you need to succeed in your career. Its mission is simple: to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful.

2. Ask Your Network

Maintaining a network is essential and leaning on it in times of need is one reason why. When you network, you become a member of a much smaller pool. It leads to information and job leads, often before a formal job description is created or a job is announced.

When looking for opportunities, it's not the time for shyness. Put yourself out there and reconnect with people you haven't seen lately. Shore up those connections with the people that you do visit regularly. More importantly, let your network know you are available and willing to engage offers.

3. Revise Your Resume

You forget about updating your resume when you're engaged in full-time work for an extended period. It's one of the most important things you can do, though, because the last thing you want to worry about when you see potential jobs is overhauling your resume. By making resume revision one of your priorities, you'll have the time to get it right to submit the perfect representation of your skills and experience when the time comes.

4. Create Your Personal Brand

Defining yourself is crucial. It's essential to think in terms of brands. Specifically, how are you going to elevate your brand above the competition? A unique personal brand is the singular combination of skills and experience that makes you who you are. Your resume shows this to some extent.

You're setting yourself up for a competitive advantage by setting yourself apart. Establishing your brand can also improve your comfort level when presenting at an interview. You know why you'd invest in yourself; you must help others understand why they ought to.

5. Stay Positive

If you're wondering what to do when you get laid off, remember that even though you might feel out of control, you have more control over the situation than you think. By establishing a plan and sticking to it, investigating different professional networks and job-finding sites, and making sure that you're ready for that inevitable interview, you should be able to see the bright side of things.

While waiting to be contacted by your next potential employer, take some time to enjoy the amount of free time you're experiencing. After all, you're unlikely to get it again once you return to the workforce. Try your best to be stoic, knowing that you're controlling what you can and letting the rest go, and use the extra time to your advantage. Spend time with your loved ones, invest in your hobbies, and visit a virtual background website to find the perfect background for those future online interviews.

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