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Specialty Backgrounds
Zoom backgrounds are a great way to express yourself when working remotely. You can even update your image to align with seasons and holidays. Of course, you still want a professional-looking background, even if it has some personality. Fortunately, we have a few tips to help you achieve this balance.
Christmas Backgrounds
Choosing a Christmas background is an excellent way to get into the holiday spirit. You can bring cheer to your coworkers with these fun themes:
Christmas tree or wreath
Stockings hung on a mantel
Santa's Workshop or North Pole
A specialty background can make you stand out during virtual meetings. To start your search for the perfect image, visit us online.

Winter Backgrounds
Winter landscapes make excellent virtual meeting backgrounds for their stark contrasts and lovely compositions. Snowy mountains, frozen lakes, and snowmen are beloved classics and always good choices. However, if you want something from the path less traveled, consider these ideas:
Cheery fireplace
Aurora borealis
Wildlife such as white wolves, polar bears, and white hares
Snow-filled clouds
How to Get Fun Backgorunds for Virtual Meetings
CVO provides fun images for use as virtual meeting backgrounds. This is one of the best options, as we do all the hard work for you. However, you can make your background if you don't mind putting in the effort.
With the right program, you can create an image with the right resolution and size for a Zoom background. You can even add embellishments, filters, and text with editing software.
Create Branded Virtual Office Backgrounds
Nothing leaves a better impression on a video meeting than a branded virtual office.
Create your own, branded virtual background for Zoom, Teams, Skype and more!.

Fall Backgrounds
Matching your background to the seasons is a great way to keep your image fresh. Finding a professional-looking seasonal background is also relatively easy, ensuring your customers, business partners, and coworkers remain comfortable during meetings. For a fall background, consider the following themes:
Hot beverages
Fall-inspired table centerpieces
Apples and orchards